- New Master's in Cybersecurity program at MDU Sweden Interview: Swedish National TV (SVT) - Starts at 02:55 (2024-05-10) [Video]
- Cybersecurity in Sweden must be strengthened - Mälardalen University is investing, SVT Västmanland (2024-05-09)
- Interview on the new Master in Cybersecurity program in MDU Sweden Why cyber education is vital for Sweden?
- Is Sweden prepared for cyber attacks? The Local's "Sweden in Focus" podcast (also on Spotify, Apple, and Google ) (2024-01-27)
- Swedish Defence and Education ministers announce funding for cybercampus: Swedish National TV (2023-06-06)
- A glimpse of RISE CS and AI Open House 2023 (400+ people registered)
- Cybercampus Press Release (KAU): Press Release (2023-09-12)
- Interview Swedish National Radio: Cyberattacks against Swedish organisations on the rise: Sveriges Radio (2023-02-16)
- RISE – En hubb för cybersäkerhet: Framtidens Forskning – 2023 (2023-06-15)
- Interview on Cyber Range: Swedish National TV: SVT Link1 | SVT Link2 (2021-09-22)
- Interview Swedish National Radio - Cyber education for industry: Sveriges Radio (2021-09-24)
- Article on Cybercampus Sweden in Altinget (2021-10-19)
- Article by Centerpartiets on Cybercampus in Altinget (2021-10-28)
- Interview in Chefstidningen: Ny utbildning för chefer - så hanterar du cyberattacken (2022-03-09)
- Interview in Dagens Industri TV: Experten: Svensk cybersäkerhet ligger efter - Di TV (2022-06-02)
- Ökad säkerhet i sakernas internet Framtidens Forskning – 2021 (2021-06-16)
- Article in Computer Sweden (IDG): Här ska svenskar träna på att hacka etiskt (2020-11-18)
- Avfall och Miljö magazine: Här kan du testa Digital Säkerheten, RISE Cyber Range, (2020-01)
- Nexusgroup article on the Eurostars SecureIoT project: New lightweight PKI technologies help secure constrained IoT devices (2019-09-12)
- Nexusgroup article on SIP-IoT SecureCare project: New IoT research project aims to provide trusted high-quality elderly care (2019-03-28)
- IoT-säkerhetsproblem löst av svenskt forskningsteam - Svenska Säkerhetsmarknaden
- CEBOT Project in German magazine
- Article on Eurostars SecureIoT project: : New research project aims to “shrink” PKI technology to secure the IoT (2017-03-09)
- Interview on Swedish Radio: Doll Cayla and IoT security (2017-02-24)
- Article on our CEBOT project: Swedish research project CEBOT has solved one of the toughest IoT security problems (2017-01-16)
Call for Participation
The Cybernode Collaboration Conference 2023, January 26,
- Master Thesis Lightweight key update solutions for the Internet of Things. Deadline: 2023-01-31
- Inauguration of Cyber Range, Wednesday June 2, 2021
- Invigning - Innovationsnoden för cybersäkerhet (2020-12-04)
- IEEE EuroS&P Workshop on Software Security for IoT [Leaflet]
- RISE SICS Security Day 2018, November 28, 2018
- The 12th IEEE ICOSST conference 2018 [Deadline: August 31, 2018].
- 1st Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS 2017), June 6-9, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland. [Manuscripts Due: January 15, 2017]
- Great speakers in the Cybersecurity and Privacy (CySeP) Summer School, Stockholm, June 19, 2017
- International "IoT 360" Summer School on the Internet of Things, October 27 –30, 2015 – Rome, Italy
- Ph.D. Summer School on Internet of Things and Smart Cities, Lerici (SP), Italy, September 16-22, 2013
- SenZations 2013: 8th Summer School on Applications of IoT and Wireless and Sensor Networks. (Registration deadline: June 25, 2013).
- The 8th International Conference on Digital Information Management, Islamabad, Pakistan (Deadline: 2013-03-28)
- Journal of Internet Technology, SI on Integration of IoT with Future Internet (Deadline: 2012-12-15)
- PLANET Summer School 2012, Bertinoro, Italy. It is mainly for researchers and PhD students working on the networked embedded system and the Internet of Things. (July 15-21, 2012)