Invited Talk and Panel
- Invited Round Table Lead: 6G Unplugging: Navigating the Network of the Future
May 20, 2025, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center, Stockholm
Invited Talk: Advanced Cybersecurity training and exercises for essential service providers
Cyber Security: Kritisk infrastruktur & cybersäkerhetslagen 2025
March 20, 2025, Blique by Nobis, Stockholm
Conference Chair: Nordic Information Security Network, Copenhagen
Nordic Information Security Network
25-26 November, 2024, Scandic Copenhagen, Denmark
Invited Speaker: Mission-oriented Research in Cybercampus Sweden
MSB Cybersecurity Conference 2024
14-15 October, 2024, Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm
Invited Speaker: The challenge of public-private partnerships at local level
16th International Forum for Cybersecurity (FIC) Conference (InCyber Forum)
26-27 March, 2024, Grand Palais Lille, France
Invited Speaker: AI and Cybersecurity - Friends or Foes?
Automation Region Research Academy - ARRAY Tech Day
25 April, 2024, Steam Hotel, Västerås, Sweden
Keynote Speaker: IoT - From Cybersecurity Research to Certificaiton
IT Security Insights 2024
31 January, 2024, Stockholm
- Invited Speaker: Security architecture and distribution in 6G
6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points (6Gsec CP2) Conference
23 January, 2024, Campus Cyber, Paris
Technical Talk: Automated and Continuous Cybersecurity Certification for Internet of
ETSI Security Conference 2023
16th - 19th October 2023, Sophia Antipolis, France
Keynote Speech: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and automated re-certification for IoT
Summer School: IoT & Cybersecurity (H2020 Arcadian-IoT)
04th - 08th September 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Invited Panelist: Cyber resilience - from research to increased European innovation
Digital Assembly 2023
15th - 16th June 2023 Stockholm, Sweden
Keynote: Securing Digital Infrastructure for Renewable Energy - Challenges and
Renewable Energy Cyber Security Forum
6th - 7th June 2023 Berlin, Germany
- Invited Talk: From Cloud to Edge Security
Privacy Symposium 2023
April 17, 2023, Venice, Italy
- Technical Talk: An Automated and Continuous Cybersecurity Re-Certification Solution for
The International Conference on the EU Cybersecurity Act
29-30 March 2023, Brussels
- Invited Panel: Importance of data/cloud integrations - The latest solutions
Next IT Security 2023 - The C-Suite Edition
March 16, Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm
- Invited Talk: Overview of Swedish cybersecurity initiatives, Cybercampus
Cybernode Collaboration Conference for Cybersecurity 2023
January 26, Kista Science Tower, Stockholm - Panel: Education and Skills for European Cybersecurity
Concordia Open Door 2022
26-27 October 2022, Munich
- Invited Panel: Cloud security against compliance mandates, risk, and
fast-growing security threats
Next IT Security 2022 - The C-Suite Edition
October 20, Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm - Invited Panel: Need for Resilience – Current security situation in Europe
Digital Partnership for Cybersecurity and Resilience in Regions, EU Czech Republic Presidency
October 07, 2022, Telč, Czech Republic
- Invited Talk: Security Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud Computing.
Nordic Cyber Summit 2022
October 04-05, Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, Denmark
- Invited Talk: Digital Identities for IoT
e-legitimationsdagarna 2022
May 11-12, 2022, Folkets Hus, Stockholm - Panel: we have intruders! How do we protect ourselves
Nordic IT Security 2022
May 12, 2022, Stockholmsmässan
- Invited Talk: Cybernode and NCC-SE Collaborations (video)
Inauguration of Swedish NCC-SE (MSB) 2022
June 14, 2022, Fotografiska, Stockholm
- Invited Talk: Preparing for cyberattacks – from research to cyber training and
Dataföreningen's Säkerhetsfredag
April 01, 2022, Fleminggatan 7, Stockholm -
Talk: Cybercampus and cybersecurity research landscape in Sweden
Swedish Royal visit to cybersecurity symposium in KTH
April 29, 2022, KTH Sweden
Introducing Cybercampus Sweden
The Cybernode Collaboration Conference
December 02, 2021, Kista Science Tower
- Invited Talk: Cyber security - a key technology area for a strong Digital Europe
October 29, 2021, Lund Sweden
Presenting RISE Cyber Range
Invigning av Cyber Range – ny testbädd för cybersäkerhet
June 02, 2021, RISE Kista - Invited Talk: Train and Preparing for Cyber Attacks
SWEDSOFT Seminar: Cyber Security in a Complex World
September 01, 2020, Scania Södertälje, Stockholm - Invited Talk: On-going and future national and international cybersecurity
Mobile Heights Toppenmorgon - IoT Security
Råbylunds Gård, Lund, Sweden April 21, 2020 (converted to webinar) - Invited Talk: CONCORDIA and IoT Security: state of play
3rd ENISA-Europol IoT Security Conference
Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019
- Invited Talk: RISE on-going national and international cybersecurity initiatives
Kista Business Network
September 04, 2019 - Invited Talk: IoT automated security
0xFF Meetup, Stockholm
August 22, 2019 - Panel: IoT Security Requirements for Application Domains and Certification
IoT Week 2019
June 17-21, 2019, Aarhus, Denmark - Invited Panelist: Cybersecurity: An Opportunity for Europe to be a Global Leader
Debate organised by Orgalim, Teknikföretagen and RISE
March 29, 2019, Gothenburg European Office, Brussels - Invited Talk: RISE Cyber Range and Swedish Cybersecurity Node
Innovation Day 2019, Blue Science Park
March 07, 2019, Karlskrona - Invited Talk: RISE On-going National and International Cybersecurity Initiatives
27th meeting of the ENISA Article 13a Expert Group (Open Day)
6 March 2019, Stockholm (hosted by PTS Sweden) - Invited Panel: Authentication Challenges for New Interfaces, Devices, and Wireless
ACM WiSec 2018
Panelists: Srdjan Capkun, Valtteri Niemi, Shahid Raza, Ahmad Reza Sadeghi, Patrick Traynor
June 20, 2018, Stockholm
- Keynote Speaker: Blockchain
and the Internet of Things - Gaps
12th IEEE International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies (ICOSST’2018)
December 19-21, 2018, Lahore - Invited Panel: The Era of New Technology : Blockchain in various spheres
Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Stockholm
September 11, 2018, Stockholm - Invited Panelist: Exploring
the cybersecurity landscape of IoT and 5G
Moderator: Dan Sjöblom, Director General at PTS Sweden
Panelists: Apostolos Malatras, Project Manager for IoT and Smart Infrastructures, ENISA; Rene Summers, Director Government and Industry Relations, Ericsson; Phillipe Lefebvre, Head of Sector, 5G Deployment Unit, European Commission; Shahid Raza, Director of Security lab at RISE SICS Stockholm
Participants: BEREC country heads and members, Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) members, and ENISA
Organisers: Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)
March 07, 2018, Radison Blu Bratislava
- Invited Talk: IoT Access Technologies and Networks
Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening (SER) Kvällsseminarium "IoT - Säkerhet"
May 02, 2018, Stockholm - Keynote Speaker: Towards PKI for IoT - strong security for battery-powered
EWSN’18 workshop on IoT Security
February 14-16, 2018, Madrid - Invited Talk: Automated Cost-effective Security for IoT Devices
European Information Security Summit
February 20-21, 2018, ILEC Conference Centre, London
- Invited Speaker: Lightweight Sustainable Security for IoT
12th MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development (MODPROD)
February 6-7, 2018, Linköping Sweden - Invited Talk: Cybersecurity for Internet of Things
First Workshop on Selected Topics in Computer Science and Engineering - Internet of Things (IoT)
February 02, 2018, Namal College, Mianwali Pakistan - Invited Talk: Is IoT Security a Nightmare?
A public seminar organized by the ICT Sweden and Teknikföretagen on Cyber-security challenges & opportunities
November 20, 2017, Teknikföretagen, Stockholm - Invited Speaker - “PKI for Things”
Nordic IT Security Forum 2017
November 07, 2017, STOCKHOLMSMÄSSAN Stockholm
- Invited Talk: Recent Advances in IoT Security
University of Bristol
March 08, 2017, Bristol, UK - Invited Panelist: Securing the Cyber Front Door
Smart Summit, London
September 19-20, 2017, Business Design Centre, London
- Invited Panelist: Addressing Constrained Devices Security
IoT Week 2017 Geneva
June 06, 2017, International Conference Centre, Geneva, Switzerland - Dockan Cayla and IoT Secruity
Interview on Swedish Radio
February 24, 2017 - Invited Talk: IoT Security
JFokus 2017
February 6-8, 2017, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center
- Panel: An E2E approach to tackling data security challenges of the IoT
IoT Tech Expo Global 2017
January 22-23, 2017, Olympia, London - Speaker: Is IoT Security a nightmare?
Embedded Conference Scandinavia - Scandinavia’s leaving event in embedded technology [Program]
November 22-23, 2016, Kistamässen Stockholm - Invited Panelist: The future of Cyber Security
IP EXPO Nordic 2016, Waterfront Congress Centre,
September 27-28, 2016, Stockholm
- Invited Speaker: The 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2016)
organized by NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (NATO CCDCOE)
June 03, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia
- Invited Speaker: Lightweight security protocols for the IoT
IoT Week 2016
May 31-June 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia
- Invited Talk: Certificate Enrollment in Billions of Things
IoT Sverige at the S.E.E. Scandinavian Electronics Event 2016
April 21 2016, Kistamässan, Kista Science City, Stockholm
- Panel: Tackling data security and privacy challenges of the IoT
IoT Tech Expo Europe
February 11, 2016, Olympia, London
- Solo Talk: Cyber security challenges when moving from Internet to Internet of
IoT Tech Expo Europe
February 11, 2016, Olympia, London - Keynote Speaker: Cyber security challenges when moving from Internet to Internet of
IEEE International Conference on Dependable Embedded Wireless and Sensor Networks (DEWSNet’15)
December 26, 2015, Jamshoro Pakistan. - Invited Talk: Bluetooth Smart and the Secure Internet of Things
TeCIP Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
November 18, 2015
- Invited Panelist - “IoT - The CISO's nightmare?”
Nordic IT Security Forum 2015, Stockholm
November 03, 2015 - Invited Talk: Internet of Things and Security
Zayed University, Dubai
October 22, 2015 - Invited Speaker -
Lightweight Security Protocols for the Internet of Things
Security Conference 2015, Stockholm
May 28, 2015 - Invited Panelist - "IoT Security Panel”
IPSO Alliance Member Meeting at Ericsson Stockholm
May 18-19 2015
- Invited Speaker: Security Protocols for the Internet of Things
IoT Meetup, Stockholm
March 04, 2015
- Standardization of Security Technologies for the Internet of Things
Security Research at Ericsson, Färögatan 6, Kista, Stockholm
September 19, 2012
- Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things
Dept. of Ingegneria dell'Informazione, University of Pisa, Italy.
July 9, 2011
- Protecting the IP-connected IoT with Lightweight State-of-the-art Solutions.
Center for Networked Systems (CNS) Workshop, Friiberghs Hergård, Örsundsbro, Sweden.
November 22, 2011.
- Securing Internet of Things with Lightweight IPsec.
ABB Corporate Research, Västerås Sweden.
March 8, 2011.
- Security Issues in the Contemporary WirelessHART Protocol.
University of Pisa, Italy.
July 24, 2009
Conference and Meeting
- Cybercampus Sweden 4th Fourth Thematic Workshop - Cybersecurity Research and Infrastructure, January 16, 2023, Chalmersska Huset, Göteborg
- Cybercampus Sweden 3rd Thematic Workshop - Internationalisation and Support for Policy Makers, December 15, 2022, Karlstad University, Karlstad
- Cybercampus planning group Visit to Cyber Defence Campus (CYD), November 24, 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
- Cybercampus planning group Visit to ATHENE @ Fraunhofer SIT, November 22, 2022, Darmstadt, Germany
- Cybercampus Sweden 2nd Thematic Workshop - Protected Cybersecurity Innovation, November 07, 2022, RISE Kista
- Cybercampus Sweden 1st Thematic Workshop - Agile Cybersecurity Education, October 17, 2022, KTH Sweden
- Cybercampus Sweden First Stakeholder Workshop, May 25, 2022, KTH Sweden
- The 2nd Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks (SPARKS) stakeholder workshop, March 25 2015, Cork, Ireland.
- IETF 87 Berlin, July 29 to August 02, 2013
- IoT Week 2013, June 17-20, 2013, Helsinki, Finland
- 1st
International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks for Developing Countries (WSN4DC ’13), April 24-26
2013, Jamshoro, Pakistan
- 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '12), 16-18 May 2012, Hangzhou, China
- 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '11), 27-29 June 2011, Barcelona, Spain
- The fist workshop on Real-time Wireless for Industrial Applications (RealWin'11), CPS Week, 11-16 April 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- 10th
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'11), April 12-16 2011,
Chicago, USA
- 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'10), November 3-5 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '10), 27-29 June 2011, Barcelona, Spain
- 1st International Workshop on Interconnecting Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN'10), 21-23 June 2010, UC Santa Barbara, California, USA
- 9th
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'10), April 12-16 2010,
Stockholm, Sweden.
- 5th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security (WSNS'09), in conjunction with MASS'2009, 12-15 Oct 2009, Macau SAR, P.R.C.
- 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'09), September 2009, Mallorca, Spain
Standardization Meeting
- [IETF] 94rd IETF Meeting Yokohama, Japan, November 1-6, 2015.
93rd IETF Meeting Prague, Czech Republic, July 19-26, 2015.
- [IETF]
87th IETF Meeting Berlin, Germany, July 27 to August 02, 2013.
- [IETF]
83rd IETF Meeting along with IAB Workshop on Smart Objects Security and IoT CoAP
Plugtest Paris, France, March 23-27, 2012
- [WirelessHART]
HCF General Assembly and Working Group Meeting, Naples, Italy, November 14-16,
- [IETF]
80th IETF Meeting along with Interconnecting Smart Objects with the Internet
Workshop Prague, Czech Republic, March 25-29, 2011
- [WirelessHART] HCF General Assembly and Working Group Meeting. Florence, Italy, November 15-17, 2010